Training & Education
I can provide photographic training for staff and in house studios. As a visiting lecturer and experienced educator in many context I am certainly well qualified to deliver training at the highest standard, certainly in the way that staff can post Instagram & Social media content, I can advise on production and guidance to develop your brand. Please contact me for details of this custom service, tailored to your business and requirements. A quote for a one off training session or ongoing support and asset contribution.This is a cost effective way of growing your social media presence and enhancing your brand. I am an online tutor for the photography BA at the Open College of the Arts and have delivered lectures and consultancy at many colleges and universities. It is wonderful to see many of my mentees and students go on to become very successful and enjoy a creative life.
With many decades of experience I have set up studios and e commerce facilities for a number of clients, if you require in house e commerce or even require a daily social media feed I can provide the training and set up a work flow that shall feed the ever hungry social media monsters!
Instagram –
Social media is a massive part of a companies marketing mix, for some it’s Facebook for B2B it maybe Linkedin, but Instagram is the shiny one that people love, but are not sure how to use.
If you are producing food, in the hospitality industry or have a travel company, then it makes perfect sense to have an Instagram Account and work it very hard, many decisions on where to go for a holiday are based on what people see on Instagram, you may have a small B&B, is Instagram going to be right for you? I believe it can be if you use it right. You need to post regularly, consistently and on brand. You also need to have well shot images and even if you can’t afford a professional photographer, you can learn skills and simple tricks that help you create the IG feed that will help feed your website and start to engage with a following that matters. There are many great contributors , some are total naturals, but with a little guidance they can be better, you may have many staff out doing what they do, if it is appropriate, they can be creating images and feeding the hungry Instagram , but also engaging with the company and develop a relationship with the company, it is important to control that, have an editor who ensures images are ‘On Brand’ and have a house style, but this can help with your marketing and also be great fun for you and your customers.
Please call or mail me to discuss how I can help you have a great Instagram content or improve your in-house photography . 07836 504777.